Monday, June 17, 2024

Lesley Lokko receives King's Royal Gold Medal for Architecture

Lesley Lokko. Photo: Murdo Macleod.
LONDON.— Presented by RIBA President, Muyiwa Oki, on behalf of His Majesty the King, the Medal recognises Lokko’s commitment to championing diverse approaches to architectural practice and education.

For over two decades, Lokko has devoted her career to amplifying under-represented voices and examining the complex relationship between architecture, identity and race.

Her work to “democratise architecture” was hailed by the RIBA Honours Committee as a “clarion call for equitable representation in policies, planning, and design that shape our spaces”.

Professor Lesley Lokko is the 45th recipient of the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture, which has been awarded since 1848.

Acknowledging the achievement, RIBA President, Muyiwa Oki, said: “Lesley Lokko is a true agent of change who has successfully shifted the dial and pioneered a more equitable approach to architectural education, dialogue and discourse.

By acknowledging and encouraging diversity of thought and embracing a broad range of cultures and perspectives, she has shown us how architecture can reach its full potential.

Through her work as an educator, author, and curator, she offers us hope for the future of architecture – a profession and practice that welcomes and delivers for people from all walks of life.”

On receiving the Medal, Lesley Lokko said: “To be ‘seen’ across the full spectrum of the discipline, from its margins to its very centre, is a special and unique kind of recognition.”

The event at RIBA’s 66 Portland Place, London headquarters saw over 400 people gather to celebrate Professor Lesley Lokko’s achievement.

Guests of honour included H.E Harriet Thompson British High Commissioner to the Republic of Ghana, and H.E. Madam Rita Tani Iddi, Deputy High Commissioner of the Ghana High Commission.