VENICE.- The Direzione regionale Musei Veneto and
Venetian Heritage announce the purchase of the portrait of Giovanni Grimani (1506 1593), Patriarch of Aquileia and one of the most illustrious members of this aristocratic Venetian family to which we owe the current aspect of the palace located in Santa Maria Formosa and the collection of statues once located in the room of the palace called the Tribuna.
The portrait, attributed to Domenico Tintoretto and dated to the early seventeenth century, is to be located in the Sala a Fogliami as part of the project Domus Grimani 1594-2019, the exceptional exhibition that celebrates the return of Giovanni Grimani's collection of classic statues to Palazzo Grimani, after more than four centuries.
Thanks to a report by the Ufficio Esportazioni di Milano del Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali e per il turismo, the painting was purchased by the Venetian Heritage Foundation, who had it restored thanks to a generous donation by Emilio Ambasz, and has donated it to the Museo statale di Palazzo Grimani: an operation that perfectly combines the protection and promotion of the national artistic heritage and is an outstanding example of cooperation between public and private sector.
The exhibition will remain opened till May 30, 2021. Patronised by the Regione del Veneto, it has been organized in collaboration with UNESCO and has been awarded the Medal of the Italian President of the Republic. It is produced by Civita Tre Venezie and financed by Venetian Heritage, thanks to the support of an anonymous donor, of the Helen Frankenthaler Foundation of New York and of Gagosian, as well as the contribution of the Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship and Lady Monika of Campo Bacardi.