LOS ANGELES, CA.- Bert Green Fine Art presents the fourth solo show by Clive Barker, an internationally known writer, film director, producer, and fine artist. His paintings and drawings are integral to his overall creative process, which includes multiple disciplines and media. In the current exhibition, Barker exhibits artworks spanning more than 10 years, including brand new paintings and works on paper, as well as a wide variety of drawings, including conceptual sketches from earlier projects.
BGFA debuts their fifth solo show of the artworks of Sandra Yagi. Yagi's work is inspired by her fascination with the intersections between mythology, science, religion, physiology, sexuality and forensics. In this new body of work, Yagi has created three distinct series: Paintings of skeletons and animal musculature in action, S&M scenes enacted by a skeletal dominatrix, and chimerical animals, all small scale works which invite the viewer to experience, up close and personal, Yagis unique style.
In the Project Windows, Jerico Woggons The Four Seasons is the final of a four-part seasonal installation. Made of custom shapes and colored with fluorescent paint, it represents Woggon's signature graphic style, using color and black light. In the Project Window Annex. The Man With Anal Eyes is a project by artists Brian Poor and Liz McGrath which presents an interactive animatronic fortune teller. This installation will be both visible and interactive from a small window on the Main Street side of the gallery.