LOS ANGELES, CA.- A typed, personally signed letter from Winston Churchill -- written to Conservative Party politician John Harvey -- in which Winton Churchill submits his resignation from the office of Prime Minister, It is signed by Winston Churchill. will be auctioned by
Nate D. Sanders on March 27. Interested bidders may participate in the auction online.
Churchill wrote to Harvey on April 6, 1955 announcing he was stepping down as Prime Minister. Churchill had suffered a series of strokes beginning in 1949, which took a toll on his health, thus he decided to resign.
The letter to Conservative politician John Harvey is on official 10 Downing Street stationery and reads, My Dear John Harvey, At a General Election the Head of the Government and Leader of the Party unfolds the policy for a new Parliament, to which he is personally pledged. For some time past I have not felt that at my age it would be right for me to incur such new and indefinite responsibilities. It is necessary therefore in the public interest that my successor should enter his duties in reasonable time to present himself and his programme to the Nation as and when he chooses. I have therefore tendered my resignation to The Queen. Her majesty has invited Sir Anthony Eden to form a Government. In him, the Conservative Party have a Leader who has, by his long and distinguished service, gained their full confidence and who will, I am sure, sustain the highest interests and traditions of Britain and uphold the causes of Tory democracy which Lord Beaconsfield proclaimed, which Lord Randolph Churchill revived, and which I have tried to serve. I look forward to supporting him whenever the election comes, and will appeal to the electors of Woodford to entrust me with the task and confer upon me the honour of representing them in the House of Commons as they have done during the last thirty years. Yours Sincerely, Winston S. Churchill.
This marked the end of Churchills second term as Prime Minister, which he served from 1950 until 1955. He was previously Prime Minister during World War Two from 1940 through 1945. Churchill died at the age of 90 in 1965. Churchills successor Anthony Eden served as Prime Minister until 1957. John Harvey, the recipient of the letter served as Member of Parliament for Walthamstow East from 1955 until 1966.
Bidding for the letter starts at $10,000.