The amount of money and money related to women's sugar-related animals is the most popular approach to assessing a possible relationship. For example, the rat meets the bell or the monkey, the dog of the tiger fish, the rabbit similar to the pig, the dragon manger and the snake fairy monkey and so on. As long as from ancient China, top Chinese coupled matches have been asked to be the best match, who means that couples can always be happy forever. Here we can know
how accurate is zodiac compatibility is too helpful us.
However, in fact, this does not always get out of this way. Between joints that should be happy due to Chinese compatibility, some of them often argue with each other and divorce also. So it may be surprising: the nominal Chinese amount compatibility is reliable or just for fun?
Zodiac compatibility
In order to cope with the question, we must know the original and five elements of Chinese money. Chinese money is born from ancient Chinese cycles of ancient Chinese. For easy monument, ancient Chinese has marked twelve earthquakes with twelve zap animals; they are rat, bull, lion, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog and pig.
Five elements are fire, earth, metal, water and wood, each of them creates or produces the next element in creative order. For example, wooden timber is created, wood fires, fire creates, earth produces and the earth produces metal, produces metal water. Each of the twelve is their own specialties in animals, resulting in five elements. For example, dragons, dogs, bulls, and sheep are years old. Out of them, dragons and bulls are "salt ground", and years of dogs and sheep are "dry ground".
Different fields of elements
Due to the fields of different fields of each element in each year's sugar year, people born in a specific year are born to take into account specific characteristics of the field, which would make people, develop their own personality. Therefore, couples may either have multiple sync or multiple controversies due to different birth hours and times.
The quantity of Chinese money is a synonyms based on the amount of sugar and animals and five elements, based on mutual relevance and inter-restriction. So it is a scientific field and special value for reference.
Limitation in zodiac
However, there are limitations in Chinese compatibility. Because there are important factors affecting their relationship with personality, values, and ways of thinking, it is not enough to justify a potential relationship based on the years of birth. His birth month, date and time should also be considered. This is what is called.
The eight character compatibility readings will be very accurate and comprehensive compared to the general Chinese mathematicians described at the beginning of the article, but it is a very complicated task that can only be done by professional Chinese experts. It is beneficial to follow the relationship with Chinese money compatibility that it will be a good idea of consulting an expert to compute eight-oriented compatibility analysis and prediction. (
Additional Read: Chinese Astrology Compatibility)