Pets are stress relievers. They love us regardless of our appearance, status or our success. They love us forwhat we are. Pet owners have a responsibility on them to treat their pet in a good manner. Pets should be in agood physical shape, consume appropriate food and owners should give them appropriate conditions to live.
It's difficult for pet owners to keep an eye on them all the time. So, these pets too deserve a separate app.
Mobile application development Dubai took into consideration and resulted in app development that helpspet owners to monitor the state of health of their pets and can call the veterinarian for help when needed. Suchapps have turned out to be effective in the market.
With mobile application development Dubai you can develop your own app for the pets. Mobile applicationdevelopment Dubai will make it possible to look over all the aspects of pet care and fall for help in case ofemergency. Mobile application development Dubai makes the app useful for both pet owners and businessowners.
Features that makeup at fit app beneficial
In pet fit app pit profile can include wheat colours sterilization data weight particularities such as foodpreferences and allergies.
Food monitoring
Excess weight leads to unwanted diseases and some pets have excess weight. For this, diet monitoring can bea solution. For pet owners, the
best pet subscription app includes a table of calories which will make it easier to look after your favouritecreature. This feature will be represented in the form of a calculator that calculates all the daily nutritionalstandards.
Exercising and walk monitoring
GPS tracking is built into the majority of smartphones. This feature includes exercise monitoring and walks planarrangement to make your pet walk without losing its excess weight. Distance travelled, time speed will bedisplayed on the screen after each walk.
Official medical document
This feature provides you with the history of already made pet vaccination. Pet owners are allowed to leave amark in the app about vaccination doses and results. They can also manage a medical card.
Notification system
This feature reminds pet owners about upcoming vaccination, breakfast, dinner, activity reduction, medicines (ifneeded) or location of pet far away from home. Pet owners will be notified via push notifications.
Pet owners can search for veterinarians, nurseries, groomers, dog parks, emergency centres on the basis oftheir location.
Activity monitoring
With GPS tracker, you can track the physical activity of your pet. Activity and information of the number of burncalories will be displayed in the pet's profile.
You can keep the connection between the app and veterinary clinics and can interact using chat or speed dial.
Above all the benefits are listed which makes fat fate apps beneficial. Unfortunately, pets cannot tell us whatthey feel. So, the decision of developing a pet fit app with
mobile application development Dubai could helpmany people save their lovely animals. DXB apps are always at your step to help with the app development.