FRANKFURT.- With a comprehensive selection of works PASSIONATELY FFF MEMBERS SHOW reveals the desires and interests that the members of the Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (FFF) have personally for the medium. In an open call process members of the FFF were asked to send their photos to be juried for an exhibition celebrating the 40th anniversary of FFF. The spectrum of FFF members is wide -- passionate professionals, beginners to highly accomplished photographers, collectors, teachers, artists, professors, office workers, designers and architects, journalists and writers, scientists and historians, craftsmen, philanthropists and students, doctors, lawyers, bankers, musicians, and others. This exhibition is dedicated to all those who participated over 200 members -- for their passion for photography and their commitment to supporting FFF. Original works from the juried short list are part of the wall and room installation. In addition, numerous series and individual photographs of all participants are displayed on large scale monitors ubtil January 5, 2025.
Since the 1990s the FFF has organised an educational programme with workshops and lectures by world renowned photographers, including Martin Parr in 1999. Many of the photographers in PASSIONATELY have attended courses at what is now the FFF ACADEMY. Similar to our workshop themes like portraiture, street photography, the body, fashion, abstraction and environment, the exhibited works reveal how diversly we respond to places and others.
How that many FFF members interact with the urban stage of Frankfurt is just one example of the stories on view. Barbara Staubach created an ironic farewell in images to the Technisches Rathaus before its demise more than ten years ago; founding member Morag Hall has made comparative quotidian street-life observations in Great Britain and in Frankfurt; while photojournalist Ferhat Boudas current work deals with the many people who live and sleep on the streets of Germanys financial centre. PASSIONATELY presents a photographic universe with multifaceted perspectives.
The exhibition was juried by Andrea Horvay, communications specialist, co-curator FFF; Alexandra Lechner photographer, founder of Darmstädter Tage der Fotografie; and Ute Noll, picture editor DU magazine, founder UNO-Art Space. PASSIONATELY was curated by Andrea Horvay and Celina Lunsford.
Silvia Adams, Caspar Arnhold, Eleonora Arnold, Tom Atwood, Thomas Balzer, Piotr Banczerowski, C. A. Barnikol, Eckart Bartnik, Iva Batistic, Armin Bauer, Günther Bauer, Sebastian Bauer, Britta Baumann, Irena Bayer, Uwe Behrendt, Karin Berneburg, Peter Binz, Eliza Bode, Siegfried Boes, Harald Bonke, Ferhat Bouda, Tim Oliver Brandi, Gabi Bührer, Richard Byer, Aynur Caglar, Marc Clement, Anja Conrad, Ulrike Crespo, Marina DOro, Annette Deeken, Carlo del Prete, Émilie Delugeau, Christina Dewald, Andrea Diefenbach, Andrea Diener, Torsten Dodillet, Hartmut Döhler, Georg Dörr, Xenia Drebes, Rainer Drexel, Kerstin Dropmann, Katharina Dubno, Danny Ecker, Marion Eckstein, Gotthart Eichhorn, Alexander Paul Englert, Christoph Enslin, Thorsten Faber, Werner Faber, Barbara Fahle, Joachim Feigl, Rudi Feuser, Frank Freytag, Uwe Fitz, Vincent Gabaglio, Andrei-Dorian Gavrila, Monika Gerdes, Laura J Gerlach, Peter Gold, Andreas Goldmann, Gosbert Gottmann, Caroliene Götz, Andreas Gräbner, Anja Grauenhorst, Katrin Greiner, Uschi Groos, Michael Gruber, Peter Grün, Andrea Gubitz, Sabine Hajduk, Morag Hall, Jana Hartmann, Susanne Hartmann, Frank Hatami-Fardi, Nathalie Heinke, Christiane Helldörfer, Christine Herold, Gisa Hillesheimer, Nora Höfler, Beate Hofmann, , Norbert Holick, Marlene Hrubesch, Carmen Hurst, Buck Hutten, Jürgen Igramhan, Zerina Kaps, Siegbert Kastaun, Achim Katzberg, Gökhan Kayal, Dieter Kempiak, Stefan Kieß, Anne Killat, Albrecht Klare, Andrea Klein, Georg Klein, Martin Kohlhase, Judith Kolb, Stefanie Kösling, Hansjörg Kossmann, Elke Krämer, Heidi Krautwald, Karsten Krüger, Lutz Krüger, Andreas Kühl, Solveig Kulas, Gudrun Latten, Jochen Laun, Stefan Lauterbach, Jürgen Lecher, Kerstin Lehmann, Oliver Leicht, Jochen Leisinger, Colette Lemcke, Martin Liebscher, Helmut Lochbühler, Peter Loewy, Andreas Lotz, Jürgen Lübeck, Elke Lückert, Andreas Luppold, Lilo Mangelsdorff, Werner Mansholt, David Mark, Ansgar Marx, Michael Marx, Uwe Maszkiewicz, Jürgen Matern, Nicole Matschoss, Birgit Lu Mazen, Manfred Menzel, Marcus Mery, Horst Michaelis, Eckhardt Minner, Dietmar Modes, Dieter Möllhoff, Christoph Montebelli, Stephan Morgenstern, Wolfgang Müller-Holz, Hermann Michael Müller, Johannes Müller, Ralf Müller, Knut Natzeck, Claudia Nielsen, Christoph Nolden, Jo Oerter, Nikola Olic, Sinah Osner, Susanne Pareike, Undine Peter, Günter Pfannmüller, Pia Pfannmüller, Andreas Pfeiffer, Ricarda Piotrowski, Johanna Plomer, Daniela Pulst, Rabirius, Josefine Rauch, Marcel Rauschkolb, Julia Reisinger, Maria Remo, Amelie Rusche, Roland Schäling, Peter Schauwienold, Gottfried Scheel-Häfele, Susan Scheibe, Sabine Scherer, Peter Schindler, Sabine Schirdewahn, Johanna Schlegel, Arndt Schlüter, Bernd Schmeling, Thomas Schmidt, Karlheinz Schmitt-Rau, Meinolf Schmitz, Boris Schöppner, Wolfgang Schug, Cornelius Schulz, Thomas Schunk, Martin Schweitzer, Jeff Sheel, Anosh Soltani, Walter Spagerer, René Spalek, Mika Sperling, Barbara Staubach, Arne Stegmann, Lukas Steidinger, Heidrun Stern, Lutz Sternstein, Günter Stiegler, Andreas Stimpert, Fabian Stransky, Rainer Stratmann, Gabrielle Strijewski, Ortrun Stumpf, Carl Sünderhauf, Frank Szafinski, Ernst Szebedits, Simone Szymanski, Hanna Tomin, Harald Tränkner, Alexandra Uzikova, Victor van der Saar, Cora Trinkaus, Tatiana Vdovenko, Cristina Vilabrille Paz, Rüdiger Voerste, Natasha Volk, Renate von Forster, Alexandra Vosding, Barbara Walzer, Marc Wansky, Christian Weiß, Juliane Wende, Thomas Wengler, Tobias Wilkinson, Daniela Wolff, Michael Zegers, Sascha Zeitz, Illya Zhekalov, Tetiana Zhekalova, Edgar Zieser, Cornelia Zimmer-Meyer, Nathalie Zimmermann, Angelika Zinzow.