The most common part that goes defective in your HVAC system is the capacitor. The capacitor is a basic but critical component in your ac equipment. Capacitors can last as long as 15 years, & as short as 3 years. The outdoor ambient temperature makes the most significant impact of the life of your capacitor. With significant studies done in Houston & Miami, capacitor replacements are far more common in Houston, Tx. Heat is the enemy of your air conditioning unit. From day one, heat is the #1 reason why so much wear & tear is made in your HVAC unit. Your capacitor absorbs all the daily punishment, from the cooling that your ac system produces. Capacitors can also get damaged by poor maintenance. Air conditioning systems operating with dirty filters cause your ac unit to work twice as harder & longer. Eventually, your air conditioner stops working when your filter completely clogs up. Your air conditioner needs a minimal amount of airflow traveling through the evaporator coil, or else it freezes up. Frozen coils can cause internal damage to your compressor & pistons. Anything that makes your ac unit run harder makes a tremendous impact on the longevity of your ac equipment, including your ac system operating low on refrigerant. Refrigerant is the lifeblood of your ac unit, and without the proper refrigerant charge, your capacitors will suffer the consequences. A quality ac repair houston service company can inform & recommend the best solution, why your capacitor keeps on failing.