Have you tried creating art with watercolors? This has always been popular with artists for a number of reasons. In particular, it has a very quick drying time, which allows you to paint in layers. In addition, people love the soft and light nature of the paint, with the ability to create a translucent style.
Landscapes are one form of art you can create with watercolors. But, what other subjects can you paint with watercolors? Lets take a closer look.
Flowers and Plants
A lot of artists like to use watercolors to paint outdoors. This is because the brushes are easy to clean with water, as well as the fact that they will dry quickly outside so that you can add depth to your painting. So, other than landscapes, what can you paint with watercolors? Well, you can have a lot of fun with flowers and plants. You can paint them close up and capture all of their beautiful colors. In particular, this is going to be
an enjoyable task during the spring with vibrant colors emerging. In addition, you may prefer autumn with the falling leaves.
Landscapes are not for everyone. Sometimes, you might want to capture the personality of your subject. In this case, consider painting animals with watercolors. Perhaps you already have images you want to base your painting on. Alternatively, you can head outdoors and capture animals in their natural habitat. Either way, make sure that you have all of the right tools. This includes the
best watercolor paper and a variety of different colors and brushes. It will allow you to create animal images that you love.
Watercolors can also be good for creating portraits. You can capture the personality of the people you are painting, as well as keep colors soft and interesting. You can choose to highlight certain areas, as well as
mix colors together to create an attractive portrait. What we love about watercolors is that you can use them in a way that does not require you to concentrate on the intricacies of the person
you are creating.
What You Need to Get Started
Do you want to start on your watercolor journey? There are some essential supplies that you are going to need to get started. Of course, you have to start by choosing paint. You want to be happy with the selection of colors, as well as the quality. In addition, you will need paper that is suitable for watercolors and a palette. Do not forget a variety of paint brushes too. Having a selection means you can choose the style you want to create and you can have different levels of detail. It can also be useful to have water nearby so that you can clean your brushes and choose the concentration of paint you are using.
Then, all you have to do is choose your subject and you can get started. What would you like to paint in watercolor first?