So, a fired marketing exec, played by Eddie Murphy, decides that since he can't find another job, he should decide that he is a childcare professional and open an unregulated daycare in his house. And folks, hilarity ensues- as does the foreshadowing of the impending doom, and abrupt end, of Western society.

In one of the worst, and most dangerous for children, movies of the last decade, Eddie Murphy's character, Charlie, loses his job and starts a day care with his buddies. I watched this movie online on SoapToday. They all run around and laugh and make cookies. It's all very funny, but then a villian comes from out of the darkness- a villian who wishes to educate children! This horror is played by Anjelica Huston, runing a world-class school and day care that happens to be in the same town as Daddy Daycare. This evil educator is again villified for daring to report to the authorities that Daddy Daycare is compleely unregulated, understaffed and feeds the kids junk food all day. These dads did not even pick up a copy of the regulations, but to report them for this was apparently just too, too wrong.
Sadly, many parents took their kids out of the good school, which taught their children five languages, and used unique and effective teaching methods, and put them into the cheap and crappy Daddy Daycare. After witnessing children being taught about literature and storytelling, by using a familiar nursery rhyme, Eddie Murphy's character is actually seen to insult the headmistres' school to her face, and accuse her of trying to "shove knowledge down these kids' throats."
So all ends up happy, as the hardworking headmistress who built her business around quality education loses her business and livelihood, and is forced to work as a crossing guard. Daddy Daycare undercuts and ends up with throngs of screaming, uneducated children. Well, it served her right. Who the hell wants education in a daycare? Not America, apparently.
It's hard to tell which element of the movie was more sinister- the poor working parents who were forced to send their kids to the cheapest daycare around at the expense of their educations, jsut ot make ends meet, or the thrill that the movie tries to inspire at this prospect. Is this really what America has sunk to? This?
Most of the reviews for this movie either talked about how funny it was or about how predictable it was. Either adjective used about this movie is absoultely shocking. That we could predict the outcome, that people would consider education evil is just as bad as assuming that we would find such a concept funny.
Probably the worst thing about the entire concept of the movie is that it was marketed toward families. Renting this movie for a child to watch is tantamount to child abuse. Look, Jeffy, see how evil learning is? Isn't it great to punish people who want you to learn? Yay!
This movie was probably not shocking for many in this country, and that is probably the most shocking part. Western civilization on the whole has been on the decline for the last few decades, and this blase attempt to make learning only for "geeks" is exactly the reason why. If you tried to construct something that showed this concept, you could not do better than this movie.